Great, but the ending was a cop out.
I love Jerry, I really think it's a fantastic animation. However, even though the ending where he's in hell lightens the mood, clearly Jerry was somewhat tragic and certainly emotionally involving.
Now you give the audience another side of the story. We meet Jackie, the girl who tormented Jerry throughout his story. You show her difficulties and make the viewer care for her as well, thus allowing us to see that she is not simply an antagonist, she has struggles like anyone. Then the ending comes along, which just felt like a throwaway to me. She goes and does something so detestable that the viewer instantly feels a certain dislike for her, making the earlier stuff where you feel for her redundant. It was like saying "Fuck the rest of the animation, this ending will be surprising!" And it was surprising, but it shouldn't be at the cost of the entire build up.
All that said, still great work, animation and everything were top notch. I love how everything tied together. Can't wait to see more from you!